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New mBandhan

Log in to all-new mBandhan app
Existing Mobile Banking users follow these steps: |
First time logging in to all-new mBandhan app |
Step 1 |
Download or update the all-new mBandhan app from the Play Store or App Store. |
Step 2 |
Launch the App, give necessary permissions and click on the 'Get started' button. |
Step 3 |
Select the mobile number and confirm. If multiple Customer IDs are linked with the mobile number, enter the customer ID.
Step 4 |
Enter the existing mPIN. Note - If you do not remember the mPIN, go through the 'Forgot mPIN journey to reset your mPIN. |
Step 5 |
Validate the mPIN with OTP. |
Step 6 | Set up a new password. |
Step 7 | Set up a new mPIN. |
Step 8 | Set up an alternate login option such as Pattern, Face ID, or Fingerprint (optional). |
Step 9 | Enter the new mPIN or new User ID (9 digit customer ID) and newly set password or the newly enabled alternate login option. |
Step 10 | Log in to the all-new mBandhan app. |
Note - If you do not remember the mPIN, go through the 'Forgot mPIN' journey to reset your mPIN. |
Logging into all-new Internet Banking next |
Step 1 | Log in to all-new Internet Banking using https://retail.bandhanbank.com/ |
Step 2 | Login using user ID (9 digit customer ID) and newly set password or mobile number and newly set mPIN. |
Note - If you do not remember the mPIN, go to mBandhan app & reset the mPIN through the 'Forgot mPIN' option or use the 'Forgot password' option available in Internet Banking. |