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Agri Sampann Plus
Agri Sampann Plus
Avail a secured loan to meet your working capital & term loan requirements
Curated credit facility arrangement applicable for traders, processors, aggregators, transporters, other value chain participants in the agri & allied sector
Working capital facilities (both fund & non-fund-based – cash credit, overdraft, term loan, bank guarantee & letter of credit) available
Avail loan at competitive interest rates of up to ₹10 crore
Simplified documentation
Quick loan processing
Presently available in select locations in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, & Telangana
Minimum interest rate - 12.05%
Maximum interest rate - 17.14%
*Terms and Conditions applied
Click here for Mean Interest Rate
View the complete and updated list of charges and fees
All business entities involved in agri & allied activities with a minimum existence of 2 consecutive years in the same business
Loan tenure:
Cash credit & overdraft facility: 1 year (renewable on satisfactory track record)
Term loan: up to 7 years
Satisfactory financials as per the Bank’s assessment
*Terms & Conditions apply
KYC documents
Financial statements
Recent photos of proprietors/partners/directors/beneficial owners, etc.
Duly filled application form
Documentation & details of collateral offered
Any other documents as may be required

Take one step closer to your dream
Apply for a Loan from Bandhan Bank today
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