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Unclaimed Dividend

The dividend declared by the Bank at its Annual General Meeting is required to be paid within 30 days from the date of declaration of dividend. As per Section 124 and 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 (the ‘Act’) read with the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (‘IEPF Rules’), where a dividend has been declared by Bank but not been paid or claimed within 30 days from the date of declaration to any shareholder entitled to the payment of such dividend, the Bank shall, within 7 days from the date of expiry of the said period of 30 days, transfer the total unclaimed amount of dividend to a special account to be called the “Unpaid Dividend Account”.

A. Details of unclaimed dividend declared by erstwhile GRUH Finance as on December 31, 2024 (merged with the Bank w.e.f October 17, 2019)
Financial Year | Unclaimed Dividend (Amount in Rs) |
Date of Declaration of Dividend | Last Date for claiming Dividend |
2017-2018 | 32,33,514.00 | May 30, 2018 | June 27, 2025 |
2018-2019 | 41,97,762.00 | July 19, 2019 | August 20, 2026 |
B. Details of unclaimed dividend declared by the Bank as on December 31, 2024
Financial Year | Unclaimed Dividend (Amount in Rs) |
Date of Declaration of Dividend | Last Date for claiming Dividend |
2017-2018 | 1,22,804.00 | July 19, 2018 | August 19, 2025 |
2018-2019 | 2,89,662.00 | June 28, 2019 | July 29, 2026 |
2019-2020 | Nil | NA | NA |
2020-2021 | 14,48,836.00 | August 06, 2021 | September 06, 2028 |
2022-2023 | 15,93,639.50 | August 18, 2023 | September 17, 2030 |
2023-2024 | 27,67,751.50 | August 20, 2024 | September 19, 2031 |
C. Details of unclaimed dividend transferred to IEPF
Financial Year | Amount of unclaimed Dividend Transferred (in Rupees) |
Date of Transfer |
2012-2013 | 18,14,248.00 | August 17, 2020 |
2013-2014 | 21,40,701.00 | July 15, 2021 |
2014-2015 | 30,43,566.00 | August 18, 2022 |
2015-2016 | 30,72,032.00 | August 02, 2023 |
2016-2017 | 39,92,205.00 | August 06, 2024 |

In case you have an unclaimed dividend amount lying with the unpaid dividend account of Bandhan Bank Ltd, then you are requested to claim the same before such amount is transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (‘IEPF’).
Do you want to proceed to view the year-wise details of your unclaimed dividend amount?

As per provisions of Section 124(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (IEPF Rules), any money transferred to the Unpaid Dividend Account which remains unpaid or unclaimed for a period of seven years from the date of such transfer shall be transferred to IEPF. Further, in terms of Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the IEPF Rules, all shares in respect of which dividend has not been paid or claimed for 7 consecutive years or more, shall be transferred by the Bank to IEPF.
Therefore, shares on which dividend was not claimed by the shareholder for 7 consecutive years or more has already been transferred to IEPF. Once the shares are transferred to IEPF, all the future benefits accruing to such shares including dividend are also transferred to IEPF.
However, once the equity shares or dividends are transferred to IEPF, the concerned shareholder/claimant can claim the same from IEPF Authority, by following below process:
- By making a request to the Bank/ RTA along with physical copy of the requisite documents as enumerated in the web based Form IEPF – 5 and IEPF Rules, duly signed, in original, for issuance of ‘Entitlement Letter’, at the addresses mentioned in the below tab ‘Contact details of the Nodal Officer /RTA’.
(In terms of IEPF Circulars, the Bank is required to verify all the documents before issue of Entitlement Letter. Accordingly, you are requested to submit the original documents complete in all respect pertaining to the claim to the Bank or its RTA) - After due verification of documents by RTA/the Bank, Entitlement Letter would be issued to the eligible claimant. On receipt of Entitlement Letter, make an application in web based Form IEPF-5 available at https://www.mca.gov.in/ along with Entitlement Letter; and
- Thereafter, send the self-certified copy of Form IEPF-5 along with acknowledgment generated on filing of Form IEPF-5, and signed copy of the Indemnity Bond, to the Bank/RTA.
Further, in terms of the provisions of the IEPF Rules, the Bank is required to submit the e-verification report to the IEPF Authority within 30 days from the date of filing of web-based e-form IEPF-5. In case the original documents complete in all respect is not received by the Bank well within 30 days from the date of filing of web-based e-form IEPF-5, the Bank would be bound to file e-verification report for rejection of such claims. Upon submission of e-verification report by the Bank, the IEPF Authority shall verify the documents as submitted by such shareholder may approve/ reject such claim.
For more information, shareholders are requested to refer the link mentioned below:

Name of the Nodal Officer | Mr. Indranil Banerjee |
Designation | Company Secretary |
Email Id | companysecretary@bandhanbank.com |
Contact Number | +91 33 6609 0909 |
Bandhan Bank Limited
Secretarial Department
Floors 12-14, Adventz Infinity@5
BN 5, Sector V, Salt Lake,
Kolkata – 700 091
Tel.: 033-66090909
E-mail: investors@bandhanbank.com
Website: www.bandhanbank.com
KFin Technologies Limited
(Unit.: Bandhan Bank Limited)
Selenium Tower B, Plot 31&32, Financial District,
Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal
Hyderabad 500032, Telangana.
Tel.: 1800-309-4001
E-mail: einward.ris@kfintech.com