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Fifth Anniversary (2020)
With the nation fighting the pandemic, the Bank decided to refrain from celebrating its sixth Foundation Day in the grand scale that it is generally done in. Instead, the anniversary was marked by taking a pledge to support the citizens of the country and meet their needs, big or small.
Keeping in line with the tagline, ‘Aapka Bhala, Sabki Bhalai', a series of short films were created to showcase the Bank's resolution. One of the films, spoke about how instead of counting the well wishes and thanking well-wishers, the Bank pledged to make others' wishes come true. Instead of cutting a cake, it was decided to cut short a hungry stomach's wait for food.
Further, the second set of films highlighted the resolve to support small businesses in hope of making the nation stand tall with the Bank's business loans. The films on business loans captured the stories of people coming together to create small businesses in the middle of the pandemic.
Bandhan Bank has been built on the philosophy of doing good. Over the years, the commitment to support small businesses has given wings to many entrepreneurial dreams. Even during such tough times, the Bank remains steadfast in its resolve and pledge to support these small businesses which are contributing significantly to the economy of the nation.
However, keeping true to tradition, the Bank continued with the Anniversary Lecture that was instituted in the second anniversary celebrations, albeit virtually. Mr. Krishnamurthy V. Subramanian, Chief Economic Advisor to the Government of India delivered the Anniversary Lecture on 'Post-COVID Indian Economy and the Role of Banking'.