Mr. Dutta Gupta has a rich experience of more than 35 years in Asset-based Financing, with 20 years dedicated to the Mortgage industry in India and 11 years to Development Finance. His domain expertise has been in investment and advisory services related to the mortgage industry, covering areas like strategic planning, business plan, underwriting and policy formulation.
He has an extensive experience in mentoring the workforce at startups in the Housing Finance sector, grooming and upskilling them on lending to the informal and low income borrowers, including developing business plans and data analytics platforms.
Mr. Dutta Gupta worked at the International Financial Corporation (‘IFC’), World Bank Group for more than a decade from 2008 to 2019 and retired as the Principal Financial Officer of IFC. During his stint at IFC, he worked in South Asia, South East Asia, and Central Asia. He has also been associated with BHW Birla Home Finance as the Managing Director, with SREI International Finance as Senior Vice President and with Classic Financial Services & Enterprises Ltd. as the Regional Manager for Operations. Mr. Dutta Gupta is also an Independent Director on the board of RMBS Development Company Limited.
Mr. Dutta Gupta holds a Master of Arts degree in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics.