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TASC (Trust, Association, Society and Club) Savings Account
TASC Savings Account
- Specially created for Trusts, Associations, Societies, Clubs, Hospitals, Educational and Research Institutions and other Section 25 companies
- Free cash deposit up to ₹25 lakh or 20 times the previous month’s average balance
- Free 500 multi-city ‘at par’ cheques every month
- Doorstep banking facility
- Internet banking
- School and membership collection
- Monthly and annual consolidated statements of account
- View the complete and updated list of interest rates and charges
The following entities/organisations/agencies are eligible to open TASC Savings Account:
- Primary Co-operative Credit Society which is being financed by the bank.
- Societies registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or any other corresponding law in force in a State or a Union Territory except societies registered under the State Co-operative Societies Acts and specific state enactment creating Land Mortgage Banks
- Companies licensed by the Central Government under Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013 or Section 25 of Companies Act, 1956 or under the corresponding provision in the Indian Companies Act, 1913 and permitted, not to add to their names the words ‘Limited’ or the words ‘Private Limited’.
- Institutions whose entire income is exempt from payment of Income-tax under the Income-Tax Act, 1961, except political parties.
- Self-help Groups (SHGs), registered or unregistered, which are engaged in promoting savings habits among their members.
- Farmers Clubs – Vikas Volunteer Vahini – VVV.
- Visit your nearest branch to know the documents required.

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